Are You Tired of Feeling Completely out of Control, Frustrated, and Lile You’re Coming up Short No Matter What You Do?
I was stuck in that loop for years, until I discovered the subconscious processes that are responsible for 75 – 80% of my thoughts and behaviours. Especially the ones I don’t like.
When you join The Wheels Program, you will receive a One and a Half Hour, One-on-One Coaching Session where you will learn:
What thoughts trigger your fear response
How you individually and uniquely respond to fear stimuli
The self-destructive tendencies that arise as a result of the fear that controls you everyday
After you understand the wheel of fear, you must understand the wheel of freedom in order to break the vicious cycle of self destruction.
During this Second One and a Half Hour Session, you will become well-versed in how to make a conscious choice against fear by reminding yourself of who you really are. Take a stand against fear, and don’t let it deceive you any longer.
The way we live our lives is completely within our control. It is defined by the choices that we do and don’t make on a daily basis.
In this final One Hour, One-on-One Coaching Session, we will discuss how to integrate the wheel of fear and freedom in your daily life, no matter the situation that may arise. During this session you will receive a Personalized Wheels Cheat Sheet that includes information about:
- Your Specific Triggers
- Core Negative Feelings
- Essential Nature / Wholeness
- Top 5 Fear Responses and Self-Destructive Behaviors
- Top Proactive Behaviors
Overcoming fear may sound easy on paper, but it truly requires a thorough understanding of the complex associations that exist between fear stimuli and how you personally react to them. Everybody needs support, and this program is more than just knowledge-based.
This is about supporting our fellow AEC brothers and sisters that feel like they can’t handle everything life is throwing their way.
That’s why I included a bonus One Hour Follow-Up Call and Unlimited Email / Text Access to Your Coach is included in
The Wheels Program.

Real people are getting real results from The Wheels Program. Just take a look at these reviews from some of our clients:

A support system of alumni is waiting for you upon completion of The Wheels Program. Get exclusive access to discounted Alumni sessions and other Workshops when you accept this valuable offer.
Sign Up Now and Discover what has been Holding You Back so that You can Start to Take Back Control of Your Life
A $25 donation is made on your behalf to the Construction Industry Alliance for Suicide Prevention.
Guaranteed Full Refund at any time if you are unhappy with the work we are doing together.
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